Diane - Records Coordinator
Hi! My name is Diane. I have been involved in orthodontics for over 25 years and have seen a lot of great smiles. It has been a pleasure to work with Dr. Dickson and the rest of our staff. His great personality and the way he interacts with our patients is great! We really have a good time here at Producing Smiles.
My job in the office starts the first time we see our patients in the office. I take all of Dr. Dickson's diagnostic records which includes the new digital scanning system. This system allows us to get the most accurate information with no discomfort to our patients. My other responsibility is to make patient retainers when they have completed their treatment! That's when we really see them smile!!!
When I'm not at work I really enjoy spending time with my family. My husband Jay and I have a beautiful daughter named Anna. We also have three cats and a very spoiled golden retriever named Bailey! We are members of Flint River Baptist Church and are surrounded by a great church family.
My favorite things to do usually always involves my family. We enjoy taking day trips just looking for that perfect antique for our home or just trying to find that perfect little restaurant for dinner. We always have a big garden every year and enjoy growing different types of flowers. During the summer we like to go fishing if there is not a NASCAR race on television. All of us are big Alabama football fans and can't wait for the season to start. If we aren't busy we just like hanging out with our good friends we've made through the years.
Now that you've met me, I can't wait to meet you!